The Ultimate Bear Viewing Adventure in Canada with these two iconic carnivors - Grizzly Bears of the British Columbia Coast and Polar Bears on the shores of Hudson Bay in Northern Manitoba. The seasons to view these wonderful creatures overlap for only a brief time each year and we have combined two wonderful vacations into one!
Grizzly Bears - Located 80 kilometres, or 50 air miles, north of Campbell River, British Columbia, is a wild and remote area of the Pacific Northwest known as Knight Inlet. As the longest fjord on the B.C. coast, Knight Inlet offers visitors spectacular scenery set against a backdrop of dramatic mountain peaks plunging into the Pacific Ocean.
Situated 60 kilometres from the mouth of the inlet is Knight Inlet Lodge. Our floating lodge is tucked into Glendale Cove, which offers one of the few protected anchorages in the inlet, and it is here that you will begin each day’s adventure.
Glendale Cove is home to one of the largest concentrations of grizzly (brown) bears in British Columbia. It is not uncommon for there to be up to 50 bears within 10 kilometres of the lodge in the peak fall season, when the salmon are returning to the river. We view the bears differently in the different seasons. By late August we move to our platforms at the spawning channel although we continue to use the tree and river stands. In all of our viewing programs our guest safety is of utmost importance. We strive to see the bears in their natural environment without having a negative impact on them.
Polar Bears - Located on the western shore of Hudson Bay and not accessible by road lies the small northern seaport of Churchill, Manitoba. Travelling on a Tundra Buggy® is the most comfortable and safe way to experience polar bears in their natural environment. Although the viewing season in Churchill is October and November when the bears are migrating to the coast, the overlap with Grizzzly bears season restricts this program to 6 dates in late September and early October only. You will have excellent opportunities to see polar bears from a Tundra Buggy!
For more information contact sales@journeysacrosscanada.com